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Section 1 - Purpose

These By-Laws are intended to accompany and augment the Articles of the Constitution of The Keeshond Club of Canada and to serve as a guide for the efficient and/or effective day to day functioning of the Club.


Section 2 - Membership

A list of the members in good standing shall be published in the JUL-AUG issue of the Club newslettereach year. Additional information provided will be published in accordance with each member’sindividual preferences as defined on their membership renewal forms.


Section 3 - Dues

A.  Dues are to be established by a consensus of the Board of Directors and shall be just that amount necessary for the proper operation of the Club and for the publishing of the Club newsletter.

B.  Dues are payable by the first (1st) of January each year. Notice to this effect along with a schedule of fees are to be published in the December issue of the newsletter.

C.  The Secretary will issue a reminder notice to any member whose dues have lapsed before a decision to terminate can be made by the Board as provided in Article IV, Section 2.

D.  A new member accepted after September 1st of any year shall be considered as a member for the remaining months of that year in which accepted and the ensuing year.

E.  Club year is January 1 to December 31.


Section 4 - Committees

A.  The Board of Directors may each year appoint standing or special committees to advance the work of the Club through specialty shows, boosters, fun matches, obedience trials, trophies and prizes, memberships, publicity and Club communication, statistics and awards, and other fields which could be served by committees. Such committees shall always be subject to the final authority of the Board.


B.  Any committee may be terminated by the Board upon written notification to the committee. The Board can appoint new committees to those that have been terminated.


C.  The District Representatives have the power to sanction self-supporting booster shows and may appoint their own regional committees to help with the work for the betterment of the Club.


Section 5 - Voting and Motions

(not including amendments to the Constitution and/or By-Laws)


A.  To maintain the nationwide representation of the Club, all voting shall be done by first class mail and/or e-mail (the method to be determined by the Board with consideration to the formality requirements of the subject).


B.  An individual must be a member for one (1) full year prior to being granted voting privileges. Each Full membership shall have one (1) vote. A Family Full membership is offered and allows two (2) adults to have one (1) vote each. Unpaid membership dues shall constitute denial of voting privileges. Only full members are entitled to vote.


C.  Members wishing to propose a motion shall obtain a seconder and forward such to the Secretary in writing with sufficient time to:


1.      permit publication of the motion in the newsletter issue preceding the February or June publications, or


2.      permit the mailing of the motion to the voting members by the Secretary at least sixty (60) days prior to the February or June newsletter publication.


D.  Members wishing to comment on a motion shall forward their written comments to the Secretary within thirty (30) days of the advice date of said motion.


E.  After thirty (30) days have elapsed from the advice date of said motion, the Secretary shall forward said motion naming proposer and seconder, any amendments thereto (again naming proposer and seconder) and any comments received on the motion along with the commenting member's name to the Editor for publication in the April or August newsletter.


F.  The Secretary shall advise the President and Vice-President of all actions taken with respect to said motion(s).

G.  Voting slips will accompany the April or August newsletter (as applicable). Members shall mail their marked voting slips in an envelope bearing their name to the Secretary who shall check the slips received against the membership list, tabulate the votes and forward the results and the slips to the President, and advise the Vice-President of the results.


H.  The President shall initiate whatever action is required as a result of the vote in the next newsletter and will retain the voting slips for sixty (60) days after publication of results, after which the slips will be destroyed.


I.  Voting by proxy shall not be permitted.


J.  The motion will be passed/defeated based on a 2/3 majority of votes cast, ignoring blanks, and will be recorded by the Secretary as to total number of votes received, along with the number of 'yes' and 'no' votes (except in the case of paragraph K).


K.  For changes to the Breed Standard a 2/3 majority of the entire voting membership is required.


Section 6 - Amendments to the Constitution and/or By-Laws

A.  Amendments to the Constitution and/or By-Laws may be proposed by the Board of Directors or by written petition addressed to the Secretary and signed by twenty (20) percent (%) of the members in good standing. Amendments proposed accordingly shall be promptly considered by the Board and must be submitted by the Secretary to the members with the Board's recommendations. These must be both published in the Club newsletter and mailed to each member. A 2/3 majority of all eligible voting members, ignoring blanks, is required to effect an amendment to the Constitution and/or By-Laws.


B.  Proposed amendments submitted in accordance with Section 6A will be published in the June newsletter (which is the semi-annual meeting of the Club). Ballots to vote on such amendments will be distributed in February the following year. Voting to be done by mail on secret ballot. Voting by proxy shall not be permitted. Once amendments are passed, they will be published in the June newsletter. New members will be given a copy of the Constitution and copies of any amendments passed until a new Constitution is printed.


Section 7 - Club Newsletter

A.  As per By-Law Section 8A & B, the Club newsletter shall be the official organ of the Club and shall be published at least six (6) times annually in February, April, June, August, October and December. The February and June issues shall be the Club meetings, the October issue will carry the nomination forms for the annual election, the December issue will carry the election ballots and the February issue will carry the names of the successful candidates.


B.  The Club newsletter shall publish any article or opinion expressed by any member in good standing together with that member's name, providing the intent of such article or opinion falls within the aims of the Club.


C.  The Club newsletter may carry any advertising deemed suitable by the Board of Directors. Advertising rates shall be set by the Board, but such that rates for Club members are less than for non-members.


Section 8 - Meetings and Get-Togethers

A.  The Club newsletter shall be the official organ of the Club, therefore Club meeting as such will no be held.


B.  The February and June issues of the newsletter respectively shall be considered as the annual and semi-annual Club meetings.


C.  Meetings of the Board of Directors will/can be held via electronic communication, including but not limited to email or telephone, or by mail on an 'as required' basis to address Club issues prior to presenting same to the membership. The quorum for a Board meeting shall be a majority of the Board voting by electronic communication or mail.


D.  Local get-togethers among members are encouraged but are not to be considered as meetings. Any motion(s) put forward at these get-togethers must be forwarded in accordance with Section 5 of these By-Laws. It is most desirable, however, that a brief report on such get-togethers be forwarded to the Editor for inclusion in the newsletter.


E.  Local get-togethers are also encouraged for the purpose of raising moneys for Club activities, regional or national.


Section 9 - Finances

A.  The Club shall have a separate and independent bank account in the name of the Club with a nationally recognized financial institution.


B.  All cheques, bills of exchange or other orders for payment of money, notes or other evidence on indebtedness issued in the name of the Club, and all or any note, bills, draft or documents of any nature whatsoever requiring signature, shall be signed by the Treasurer and one of either the President, Vice-President or Secretary.


C.  No money shall be borrowed by the Club without the sanction of a resolution of the Board of Directors. No debenture shall be issued without authorization of a Special Resolution.


D.  No money of the Club shall be expended without a 2/3 majority of votes cast by the members except for such routine requirements as the newsletter and day-to-day expenses.


E.  The Club may sue or be sued, contract or be contracted with, in its corporate name.


F.  Fiscal year must follow election date of year end, December 31.


G.  The books, accounts and records of the Treasurer shall be audited annually by a duly qualified accountant or two (2) members of the Club elected for that purpose at the annual meeting.


H.  A complete and proper statement of the standing of the books for the previous year shall be submitted by such auditor within thirty (30) days of the annual meeting of the Club to the new Board.


I.  The books of the Club shall be open to inspection by the Board and all members of the Club at any time and a financial report shall be provided at every meeting of the Club and every annual general meeting (ie- Jan/Feb and May/June newsletters).


J.  The financial records of the Club shall be the property of the Club.


K.  The Club shall directly pay for the costs incurred by a yearly National Specialty Show. These costs shall include: purchase of rosettes and ribbons, specialty judge's fee (including travel and accommodation expenses) or all equal portion of same if the contracted judge's services will be utilized by other clubs, and a maximum of four hundred dollars ($400.00) for the purchase of prizes/ trophies awarded at such a National Specialty Show. No other monies of the Club shall be expended without a 2/3 majority of votes cast by members except for such routine requirements as the Club newsletter, stationery, printing of notices, etc.


Section 10 - Club Seal

The Club shall have a Corporate Seal of such design as may be approved by the Board. The seal shall not be affixed to any instrument except by the authority of the Board. At least one (1) Director shall sign any instrument to which the seal shall be affixed in his/her presence. The seal shall be kept in charge of the Secretary.


Section 11 - Publicity

A.  With the exception of situations identified in paragraphs B and C below, articles written in the name of the Club are not to be provided by any member to any outside agency for publication without the sanction of the majority of the Board of Directors.


B.  The Board of Directors may request or appoint a person or persons to write periodic articles for "Dogs In Canada" magazine to provide publicity for The Keeshond Club of Canada.


C.  The Editor, with the approval of the Board of Directors, may offer articles published in the Club newsletter (with the authors approval) for publication in other breed club bulletins for the purpose of providing exchange copy.


Section 12 - National Specialty Shows

A.  Members are encouraged to hold a National Specialty Show each year. The location of this show should alternate from western Canada on even numbered years to eastern Canada on odd numbered years, with the dividing line being the Manitoba/Ontario border.


B.  If for some reason a show is not held in one part of the country, then that area will be required to wait until their designation comes up again, but should be encouraged to hold one or more Regional Specialty shows.


C.  Provinces wishing to host the Specialty show should send their request in writing to the Club Secretary not less than one (1) year before January 1st of the year in which the Specialty will be held. Should more than one request be received for the same year then a vote should be put before the Officers of the Club (the Officers being defined in Article V of the Constitution). This vote should be taken immediately to allow sufficient time for the host members to make application with the Canadian Kennel Club for permission to hold the show.


D.  After the province has been chosen as the location of the National Specialty, a vote to all the KCC members in that province should be taken to determine:


1.      the city or town in which the National should be held


2.      the judge that should be selected


This vote would be conducted by first class mail directed to the District Representative, who will tally the results and retain the voting slips for a period of sixty (60) days after he/she has published the results in the Club newsletter.


Section 13 - Annual Awards

A.  TOP SHOW MALE - based on the KCC statistics for Breed, Group and Best in Show wins, using the KCC system as compiled by the KCC Statistician from information as recorded in the CKC Official Section.


B.  TOP SHOW BITCH - compiled using the same system for the TOP SHOW MALE.


C.  TOP KEESHOND - based on the number of Keeshonden beaten at Best of Breed and Best Opposite Sex levels only.


D.  TOP OPPOSITE SEX KEESHOND - compiled using the same system for TOP KEESHOND.


E.  TOP PUPPY - winner to be determined by the KCC puppy point system as compiled by the KCC Statistician, based on Best Puppy In Show and Best Puppy In Group wins.


F.  BREEDER OF THE YEAR - for the member/breeder of the largest combined total of champions and obedience titlists obtained in the award year (Jan 1st to Dec 31st). Breeders must make application to the Awards Secretary before May 15th of the following year for which the award is applied for. Application forms may be obtained from the Awards Secretary and must include the date and issues of the CKC Official Section in which the CKC acknowledged the title status OR photocopies of the official CKC certificates involved.


G.  TOP STUD DOG - for the dog siring the most champion offspring finished in the award year (Jan 1 to Dec 31). Application must be made to the Awards Secretary by May 15th of the following year in which the award is applied for. The application should include: 1) the CKC registered name and number of the stud dog, 2) the registered names and numbers of his champion offspring, their dams, and the date and issue of the CKC Official Section in which the CKC awarded points towards championship status OR photocopies of the official CKC Championship certificates.


H.  TOP BROOD BITCH - for the bitch producing the most champion offspring finished in the award year (Jan 1 to Dec 31). Application must be made to the Awards Secretary by May 15th of the following year in which the award is applied for. The application should include: 1) the CKC registered name of the dam, 2) the registered names and numbers of her champion offspring, their sires, and the date and issue of the CKC Official Section in which the CKC awarded points towards championship status OR photocopies of the official CKC Championship certificates. This award is being presented in memory of Jean Crokin - founder of The Keeshond Club of Canada.


I.  TOP DUAL KEESHOND - for the one Keeshond who has successfully competed in both conformation and obedience; and has received the highest combined score according to the KCC statistics compiled from information as printed in the CKC Official Section. Owners must make application to the Awards Secretary before May 15th of the following year in which the award is applied for. Application forms may be obtained fromthe Awards Secretary and must include the date and issues of the CKC Official Section in which the CKC acknowledged the qualifying score in obedience. Conformation statistics may be obtained from the KCC statistics as published in the Club newsletter.


The winner would be decided by the following system:


For each applicant:


a.     in Conformation - one (1) point for each dog defeated from BB through BIS, and

b.     in Obedience - one (1) point for each point over 170. This information would be placed in two charts - one for conformation and one for obedience. The rank placement on each list would then be added together for each dog with the LOWEST TOTAL indicating the winner.


For example: Fido has 1 BB where he defeated 10 dogs and has a qualifying score of 195 (170+25) and 178 (170+8). Jenny has 2 BB where she defeated a total of 8 dogs and a qualifying score of 184 (170+14).

The rankings are added together for each dog with the lowest being the winner. Fido is the winner with his 2nd place conformation rating, added to his 1st place obedience rating for a total of 3. Rover ranked 1st in conformation, plus 3rd in obedience for a total of 4. Jenny ranked 3rd in conformation, plus 2nd in obedience for a total of 5.


J.  TOP OBEDIENCE KEESHOND - winner is determined using the KCC system based on qualifying scores earned in either the Open and/or Utility classes. Novice work does not apply. The points would be determined from the following table: 

K.  TOP OBEDIENCE and CHAMPION of RECORD KEESHOND - winner determined as for the TOP OBEDIENCE Keeshond, except that the dog must also be a Champion of Record with the CKC.


L.  MOST VERSATILE KEESHOND - this award is for one Keeshond who has excelled in work other than conformation and/or obedience in Canada, in the award year. Owners may apply to the Awards Secretary before May 15th of the year following the award year. The application must include all of the reasons why they feel their dog should be considered for this award, plus some documentation proving their involvement in that event (ie - certificate or letter). The Awards Secretary, after consultation with three (3) Board members, will make the final decision as to who the winner will be.



IMPORTANT NOTE: RBIS points began in alignment with the CKC effective date of January 1, 2019.

N.  The format to be used is:

O.  Total Points = # Dogs Defeated + KCC Bonus Points


P.  Best Puppy is:


  •  10 points for every BPIG

  •  30 points for every BPIS

You can also include Top KCC Bitch and Top Keeshond Both Sexes


Section 14 - Lifetime Awards

Open to all Keeshonden, living or dead, regardless of ownership, who have produced an outstanding number of Champion offspring, or who have excelled in either Conformation or Obedience. Only wins in Canada shall apply.


A.  Canadian Hall of Fame (CHOF) Conformation


1. dogs for which application is made must be Champions of Record with the CKC

2. both CHOF and CKC points are required to ensure that the dog has beaten significant competition

CKC Point System - points are awarded to BB winners only - one (1) point for each dog defeated at the Breed, Group and General Specials levels.

For example - if your dog took a Group 2 to a Bichon having a breed entry of 6, and the total number of dogs entered in the Group was 60, then the 2nd place winner’s points would be figured out as follows: 60 - 6 -1 (for self) = 53 points. This is the system that is used by the Canadian Kennel Club as published in the “Official Section” by the CKC.


B.  Canadian Hall of Fame (CHOF) Obedience


  1. dogs for which application is made must have a Utility degree

  2. half of the points must be earned at all-breed trials

  3. 100 points to be earned in Utility, Open A and Open B. Points earned at Novice A and B levels are not acceptable


C.  Certificate of Merit (COM)
Males to have sired 10 or more Canadian Champion offspring.
Females to have produced 5 or more Canadian Champion offspring.

Note: Males and Females who meet the new COM criteria are eligible effective April 1, 2020


D.  Certificate of Merit Excellent (COMX)
Males to have sired 20 or more Canadian Champion offspring.
Females to have produced 8 or more Canadian Champion offspring.

Note: Males and Females who meet the new COMX criteria are eligible effective April 1, 2020


Section 15 - Conduct

A.  In recognition that the Board of Directors of the Club may not initiate suspension proceedings in the absence of showing of knowledge or circumstances where knowledge would be attributable to the average person, it is incumbent on all members to demonstrate good faith in their actions and conduct. Consequently, it is the expressed feeling and belief that repeated incidents of activity under paragraphs C and D below of this By-Law shall constitute lack of good faith.


B. i)  Charges may be laid against any member whose actions or deeds, either written or physical, are deemed prejudicial and/or damaging to the breed or to the aims and principles of the Club. Written complaints containing details of the alleged misconduct must be filed in duplicate with the Secretary.


ii)  The Secretary upon receiving such a complaint, within 30 days shall forward a copy of the complaint, along with a notice of hearing to the defendant, the complainant and each member of the Board or appointed committee.


iii)  The hearing date shall be set no later than 90 days from date of receipt of the complaint and will be conducted via the communication of choice of the Board of Directors. A minimum of four (4) members of the Board must preside. The Board shall ensure that both the complainant and the defendant are treated fairly and in accordance with the rules of natural justice. After all evidence and testimony has been presented, the Board, by majority vote, shall impose an appropriate penalty. Within 30 days all parties involved will receive notification of the decision from the Secretary.


C.  Any member of The Keeshond Club of Canada who directly or indirectly uses, permits to be used, sells or provides for sale any Keeshond to persons or companies whose prime intent is to ultimately sell such Keeshond and/or any or all of its offspring to the general public through pet stores, mail order catalogue companies, the internet, etc. is acting in a manner prejudicial and damaging to the breed and to the aims and principles of the Club.


D.  Any member who allows any Keeshond owned, co-owned or leased by him/her to be raffled, provided for raffle or make available as a pet for a raffle, draw or other contest to any organization, club, shop, or store either directly or indirectly is acting in a manner damaging to the breed and prejudicial to the aims and principles of the Club.


E.  Any member who knowingly engages in any of these or similar activities will be subject to disciplinary proceedings.


F.  This By-Law in no way is a limitation on the kinds of activities which may constitute conduct prejudicial to the best interests of the breed and to the aims and principles of The Keeshond Club of Canada.

Do​wnloadable By-Laws


© 2023 by The Keeshond Club of Canada

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