Article I - Title and Location
The name of the Club shall be The Keeshond Club of Canada and will operate as the National Club representing all regions of Canada.
Article II - Purposes and Aims
Section 1
To provide a medium for Keeshond owners and breeders to join together with equal representation, regardless of location, for the betterment of the Keeshond breed in Canada.
Section 2
To promote the knowledge, breeding, ownership and exhibition of Keeshonden to the type most nearly conforming to the Official Canadian Standard for the breed, and to urge the adoption of the ideal type upon breeders, judges and dog show committees as the only recognized Standard by which Keeshonden should be judged in Canada.
Section 3
To promote the breeding of sound Keeshonden with the correct temperament and to eliminate hereditary problems by judicious selection of breeding stock.
Section 4
To eliminate hip dysplasia in Keeshonden by only breeding stock that is shown to be free from hip dysplasia when x-rayed no earlier than 18 months of age, preferably at 2 years.
Article III - Membership
Section 1
I. Membership in The Keeshond Club of Canada will not be restricted in eligible number and may consist of six (6) classes, namely, Full, Honourary, Founding, Lifetime, United States, and Associate. Membership shall be open to all persons 18 years of age and older who are in good standing with The Canadian Kennel Club.
II. Membership year shall be based on the calendar year, January to December.
Section 2.A - Full Membership
I. Full membership may be provided to any resident of Canada who is a legal owner of at least one (1) Keeshond registered with the Canadian Kennel Club, or the so owned dog must be owned by a member of the immediate family of the applicant, and such applicant must be in sympathy with the aims of the Club and loyal thereto.
II. Full membership (Family) - this membership will consist of husband, wife and any immediate family member (son/daughter) 18 years of age or older that is living with the full membership family.
III. Full membership (non-Keeshond owner) - this membership may be provided to any previous owners of Keeshond who are sympathetic with the aims of the Club and are in good standing.
IV. Full membership will receive all privileges of the Club, including: voting rights, holding office and shall receive a newsletter.
Section 2.B - Honorary Membership
I. Honorary membership may be provided to any member who, in the judgement or the opinion of the Board of Directors renders an outstanding contribution to the Club.
II. Honorary members shall receive a newsletter, but shall not be entitled to any other privileges of the Club; they will not be required to pay dues.
III. If the Honorary member chooses, they may pay the annual dues and retain all previous privileges of the Club, including: voting rights and holding office.
Section 2.C - Founding Membership
I. Founding memberships are for the seven (7) original KCC members whose names appear on the Societies Act application and/or served on the Board of Directors when The Keeshond Club of Canada was registered on November 22, 1971. The following people were identified as the founding members of the Club: Jean Croken, Pat Croken, Linda Elliot (Zakowski), Rosella Helwig, Don MacKenzie, Ethel MacKenzie and Sid Estrin.
II. Founding memberships shall receive a newsletter, but shall not be entitled to any other privileges of the Club; they will not be required to pay dues.
III. If the Founding member chooses, they may pay the annual dues and retain all previous privileges of the Club, including: voting rights and holding office.
Section 2.D - Lifetime Membership
I. Any past or present member of the Club who has served the Club with distinction may be elected to Lifetime membership.
II. A Lifetime member must have been a member of the Club for a minimum of twenty-five (25) continuous years, and who has met with the required service to the Club [a minimum of twelve (12) service points]. A nominee for Life membership shall be submitted to the Board of Directors for consideration of qualifications. Upon approval of the Board, the member's name shall be published in the newsletter and their status changed on the membership list.
III. Lifetime members shall pay no dues, but retain all privileges of the Club, including: voting rights, holding office, and shall receive a newsletter.
IV. Service requirement point schedule:
Executive/Director positions - one (1) point per year served
Chair of Executive Appointed Committee - one half (½) point per year
Committee Head for National Specialties - one half (½) point per year (only the Chair will be eligible for points, not the whole committee)
Statistician, Awards Secretary, Archivist - one half (½) point per year
Club member acting as National Specialty Show Secretary or Show Chairman - one (1) point per year
V. Maximum number of points per member per year is one (1) point and Lifetime Family requirement is twelve (12) points per family member.
Section 2.E - Full United States Membership
I. Full US membership may be provided to a resident of the United States who is the legal owner of at least one (1) Keeshond registered with the American Kennel Club. Such applicant must be in sympathy with the aims of the Club, and loyal thereto.
II. Member shall have all privileges of the Club, including voting rights and newsletter, but shall not be entitled to hold office.
Section 2.F - Associate Membership
I. Associate membership may be provided to a person residing outside Canada and the United States who owns a Keeshond registered with the official body of the resident country as recognized by the Canadian Kennel Club.
II. Associate membership may be provided to a person who resides in Canada who is interested in Keeshonden.
III. Associate members shall receive a newsletter, but shall not be entitled to any other privileges of the Club.
Section 3
Applications for membership must be submitted to the Secretary and must contain the following information: name of applicant, home address and telephone number, name and registered number of Keeshond(en) owned. Applications must be signed by the applicant(s), accompanied by dues for one (1) year and bear the name and signature of a least one (1) Club member in good standing as sponsor. Also, a Code of Ethics must be signed.
Section 4
No application for membership shall be acted upon until the name of the applicant(s) has been published to the membership through the normal medium of the Club newsletter. At the expiration of a period of one (1) month after publication of said newsletter, the application shall be considered accepted unless the Secretary has received written signed objection from three (3) or more Club members.
Section 5
In case of accepted application, the Secretary shall so inform the applicant and send a welcoming package. When an application has been objected to, the Secretary shall return the application together with the dues submitted and a letter explaining the reason for rejection. In either case, the Secretary shall advise the Club President, forwarding copies of any letters of objection received.
Section 6
Any member may be suspended from the Club by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the entire voting membership. Prior to such a vote, however, notice is to be given in the Club newsletter and the charges forwarded by mail to the member prior to the publication date of said newsletter. Also, prior to the vote, sufficient time must elapse, including the publication of at least one (1) further issue of the Club newsletter, to permit opportunity for reply to the preferred charges by the said member, or the other Club members, on his/her behalf. Such replies are to be published in the Club newsletter or forwarded by mail to all members before the vote is called.
Article IV - Termination/Suspension of Membership
Section 1 - By Resignation
Any member in good standing may resign from the Club upon written notice to the Secretary.
Section 2 - By Lapsing
Any member whose dues remain unpaid for ninety (90) days after the first day of the fiscal year is considered to be lapsed, and therefore is not in good standing, may be automatically terminated by the Club. The Board of Directors may grant an additional thirty (30) days grace to such delinquent members in meritorious cases, but in no case may a person whose dues are unpaid be entitled to vote on any motions or any Club issue.
Section 3 - By Non-Compliance
Any member who fails to comply with the Constitution and By-Laws of the Club may be terminated by the Club.
Section 4 - CKC Suspension
Any member who is suspended from the privileges of the Canadian Kennel Club shall automatically be suspended from the privileges of The Keeshond Club of Canada for a like period.
Article V - Directors
A. The Board of Directors, also known as Officers of the Club shall be comprised of:
District Representatives (one per Province/Territory)
Past President
Newsletter Editor
B. The term of office of the President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer shall be for two (2) years from the month of February and may serve any number of terms to which elected, but may not serve more than two (2) terms consecutively or otherwise, to which elected.
C. All other positions to be a term of one (1) year and these positions may serve any number of terms consecutively or otherwise, to which elected.
D. The position of President, after two (2) terms of office must change Provincial/Territory location within the Club's membership, unless nominations are not received from other locations.
Article VI - Election Of Officers
A. Due to the large geographical area covered by the Club, elections shall be held by mail.
B. Nomination forms will be forwarded to all members in good standing with the October newsletter.
C. Nominations shall be received and filed with the Club Secretary by December 1st and shall include the name of the nominator together with the assurance that the candidate is willing and able to serve in the office for which nominated. The Secretary will then cause to be printed in the December newsletter the names of all candidates and the respective office of nomination along with the names of the proposer and seconder.
D. Voting for the election of officers shall be by secret ballot. Voting by proxy shall not be permitted. A ballot envelope and ballot(s) shall be mailed to all voting members with the December newsletter. Each member voting shall complete the ballot(s), seal it in the ballot envelope, enclose the ballot envelope in an outer envelope and mail to the Secretary by January 15. Only the outer envelope shall identify the sender's name. The Secretary shall confirm the sender's name against the membership list and forward the unopened ballot envelopes and a list of whose ballots were received to the President who will appoint two (2) scrutineers to open and tabulate the ballots. The results of the voting shall be in the President's hands by January 20th. The President will then notify the newly elected officers and forward the results to the Secretary for the Club records and publication in the February newsletter. All ballots will be retained by the President for a period of not less than sixty (60) days after publication in the newsletter, after which time the ballots shall be destroyed.
Article VII - Duties of Officers
A. Under the direction of the President, the Club officers shall be responsible for the operation and management of the Club.
B. The President shall be the Chief Officer of the Club, preside over meetings, see that all By-Laws are enforced and sit ex-officio on all committees.
C. The Vice-President shall assist the President in the Club's direction and management, shall assume the duties and responsibilities of the President upon direction of the President, or in such case as the President in unable to carry out their duties and responsibilities.
D. The Secretary shall have charge of all Club correspondence, shall retain and maintain files of all letters to and from him/her, shall maintain a permanent record of all Club activities, shall correspond on Club matters as directed, shall maintain a complete roster of all members and applicants and maintain a permanent record of all motions received, amendments, comments and actions pertaining thereto.
E. The Treasurer shall collect all membership dues, receive all moneys due or belonging to the Club, shall pay the bills of the Club from Club moneys, shall provide a financial report to the President and Vice-President annually or upon request at any other time, shall cause to provide a complete annual financial report to be published in the February newsletter and an update in the June newsletter, and shall ensure that all financial books are available for annual audit.
F. The District Representatives must reside in the area which they represent and are to be liaisons to members in their respective areas and the Board of Directors. They shall submit a report for each newsletter to provide communication with the membership and shall promote membership of the Club to new prospective members and co-ordinate and/or assist in boosters and specialties.
G. The Newsletter Editor shall be responsible for the editing, printing and publishing of the Club newsletter, and in this respect may request assistance of any Club member(s). He/she shall ensure the dates and contents of the newsletter conform to the Constitution and By-Laws of the Club.
H. All officers shall keep up to date records and shall turn such over to the newly installed officers as soon as possible after the election along with a list of duties performed.
I. Should an elected officer be unable to fulfill the duties and responsibilities of their office, a successor may be appointed by the Club officers and such appointment is to be published in the newsletter.
Article VIII - Dissolution
The Club may be dissolved at any time by providing to the Canadian Kennel Club written documentation signed by at least two-thirds (2/3) of the members who are in favour of this decision; proxies are not permitted. In the event of dissolution, whether voluntary, involuntary, or by operation of law, none of the property, proceeds or assets of the Club shall be distributed to any members of the Club. These shall be donated to a charitable organization for the benefit of dogs, selected by the Board of Directors in place at the time of dissolution.
Downloadable Constitution